Rental property owners with a good payment history can have electric service automatically transferred into their name when a tenant requests to stop service.


Benefits of a Landlord Agreement

  • Landlord Agreements allow electric service to be automatically transferred into the landlord’s name when a tenant requests to stop service.
  • Landlords will be notified when a tenant closes their account if applicable to the agreement.
  • Receive one monthly bill itemizing all addresses included in the agreement. 
  • Reduce the risk of frozen pipes during the winter months.


Landlord Agreement types

  • All-year service transfer: Electric service will automatically transfer to landlord if tenant requests to stop service. Landlord will be notified of transfer.
  • Winter-only service transfer: Electric service will automatically transfer to landlord if tenant requests to stop service between November 1-April 15. Outside these dates, if a tenant closes service, notification will not be sent and service will not transfer to landlord.
  • Service disconnection notification only: Landlord will only receive a notification of disconnection. Electric service will not automatically transfer to landlord upon tenant disconnection.


Establish a Landlord Agreement

  • Return your completed Landlord Agreement form by email to or by fax to 937-331-4990 (no cover letter needed). 
  • A confirmation letter will be mailed to the owner who established the agreement. It is then the owner's responsibility to cancel or change the agreement if transfer is no longer wanted or if the property is sold.


When the agreement will not be activated

There are times when the landlord agreement is not activated:

  • If the electric service must be disconnected to settle non-payment of a bill by the customer of record.
  • If there has been fraud or theft of electric service.
  • If the landlord agreement is set for “winter only” and a disconnection occurs outside the agreement dates of November 1-April 15.