
Utility scams are a nationwide issue. Everyone can be a target. Recognize the warning signs to protect yourself and your bank account.

Scammers use sophisticated tactics and often will threaten utility service disconnects unless an immediate payment is made with:

  • Pre-paid debit card
  • Gift card
  • Cryptocurrency
  • Barcodes
  • Mobile payment apps


One of the most common types of utility scams involves customers receiving unsolicited communications by an individual claiming to represent the utility.

  • Calls
  • Texts
  • Emails
  • In-person visits
Scammers may:
  • Threaten disconnection for an alleged past due bill.
  • Promise big savings with their products or services.
  • Say you’re entitled to a refund or eligible for a rebate. 
  • Demand immediate payment with a pre-paid card, gift card, cryptocurrency, barcodes, or mobile payment apps.
  • Spoof their phone number to look like ours.
  • Target customers through unsolicited calls, text, emails or in-person visits.


AES Ohio employees and contractors: 
  • Always wear an AES badge.
  • Do not sell services door-to-door.
  • Will have specific and accurate information related to your billing and account.
  • Will not ask to see your bill.
  • Do not require or strongly recommend a specific payment method.
  • Review your account online at or call Customer Care at 800-433-8500 to verify your account status.
  • Don’t immediately make a payment, especially if someone demands payment by pre-paid debit (often referred to as "Greendot") or Bitcoin, a type of cryptocurrency.
  • Do not provide personal information or comply with requests for payments unless you are confident with whom they are speaking.
  • Be aware of your personal safety and only make in-person payments at an authorized pay agent.
  • Pay your bill by phone by calling 800-433-8500 if you're a residential customer or 800-253-5801 if you're a business customer
  • Please call your local police department's non-emergency number immediately to report it.
  • Call AES Ohio to report the issue.