Memorial Day tornadoes grant
Our foundation set up a fund with the Dayton Foundation allowing AES Ohio employees, as well as employees at their parent company, AES, to donate toward the long-term recovery needs in the Dayton region resulting from the 2019 Memorial Day tornadoes.
The grant totaling $26,306 was awarded to Rebuilding Together Dayton's rebuilding and recovery efforts.
Powering sustainability
AES Ohio employees have volunteered to help clean up the Miami River near our Dayton Service Building each year since 1997.
Powering the next generation of leaders
Each year young professionals at AES Ohio take time out to join Generation Dayton's GenD Day, the largest YP volunteer effort in the region. AES Ohio is proud to be the largest-represented company for 4 years running!
AES Ohio Summer in the City
The annual summer celebration features a full calendar of events celebrating our region's cultural amenities and the growth in our urban core.