- Payment due date and amount due can be found in the top right corner and on your payment stub.
- Your mailing address.
- Your monthly account summary shows your previous balance, current delivery and supply charges, late fees, if applicable, and current account balance.
- Service address indicates the location where electricity was used.
- Next reading date is the day we will read your meter and calculate next month's bill.
- Historical usage section offers an energy use comparison of the current period to the last twelve months of usage.
- Average daily kWh and temperature compares current average usage and temperatures to last year's and last month's data.
- Usage detail section details if your bill is estimated or an actual read, billing period dates and meter readings.
- Rate area shows your billing rate and rate code description.
- AES Ohio contact information is presented so you can reach us by phone or online.
- If paying by mail, return this payment stub with your check to ensure your payment is accurately processed.
- Message center offers seasonal messages and supplier information (if applicable).
- The price-to-compare message provides the price for an electric supplier to beat in order for you to save money. You can use this amount to compare prices offered by suppliers.
- AES Ohio delivery charges are the utility charges that are assessed to all customers associated with equipment used to bring power to your home or business, billing and customer services and Ohio energy efficiency related programs.
- Supply charges are the charges associated with the generation of electricity including market-based transmission and ancillary services.
- Your generation supplier is clearly identified including a logo (if provided).
- Each bill includes charges for existing programs to support energy conservation and renewable energy sources.
Explanation of Billing Terms
- Customer Charge: The fixed monthly basic distribution charge to partially cover costs for billing, meter reading, service line maintenance and equipment.
- Delivery Charge: Charges to recover various costs associated with electric operations, equipment, and Ohio energy-related programs.
- Estimated Reading (EST or E): On the months we do not read your meter, we calculate your bill based on your past usage. Adjustments may be needed later when we take an actual meter reading. If you would like to read your own meter to avoid estimated bills, call the AES Ohio customer service number on the front of the bill with your meter reading.
- Kilowatt-Hour (kWh): The unit measure of electricity. For example, you use one kilowatt-hour of electricity to light a 100-watt bulb for 10 hours.
- Late Payment Charge: A 1.5% late charge added to the overdue amount if you do not pay your bill by the due date for prompt payment.
- Price-to-Compare: The price for an electric supplier to beat in order for you to save money. You can use this amount to compare prices offered by suppliers. The value on your bill is shown for one month; you should consider and evaluate your usage and charges over a 12 month period.
- Supply Charge: Charges associated with the generation of electricity including market-based transmission and ancillary services.