Safety 101 is only offered to businesses and organizations located within the AES Ohio service territory.


AES Ohio requires a minimum of four weeks to schedule our presentations. AES Ohio reserves the right to cancel or reschedule presentations at any time due to inclement weather or unforeseen circumstances.

Demonstration requirements:

  • Site visit at your location to ensure the necessary criteria is met to perform a safe demonstration
  • If not, we will work with you to determine a suitable alternate location
  • Space requirements: a minimum space of 18 x 14 feet with a 15-foot ceiling
  • No sprinkler heads in the demonstration area

Demonstration timing:

  • Set-up: 1 hour
  • Demonstration: 45 minutes
  • Q&A: 15 minutes
  • Tear-down: 1 hour

Request a Safety 101 demonstration

To request a Safety 101 demonstration, please complete the form below. Fields with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.

* AES Ohio reserves the right to cancel or reschedule presentations at any time due to inclement weather or unforeseen circumstances.