DP&L Presents Northmont City Schools with Energy Efficiency Rebates Totaling $111,725

May 12, 2016

Dayton, Ohio - May 12, 2016 - The Dayton Power and Light Company (DP&L), a subsidiary of The AES Corporation (NYSE: AES), is awarding Northmont City Schools with energy efficiency rebates totaling $111,725 for new construction and retrofits that are saving the school district on its annual energy costs.

Since January 2015, the school district has earned the rebates for upgrading heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems at Northwood Elementary and Northmont Middle School and for new energy efficient construction at the Kleptz Early Learning Center and at Northmont High School.

As a result of its energy efficiency efforts, the Northmont School District has saved 970,988 kilowatt hours and is expected to cut its electricity bills by almost $86,000 annually.

Northmont High School, which was dedicated in January, has been constructed to exceed standard building requirements to be certified as a Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) building. The lighting targets saving energy by more than 30% above what is required by building codes. Exterior lighting is LED and photocell controlled so that lights are only on at night. The building's overall cooling systems with chillers that are variable speed and full-load efficient account for more than 11% of the targeted energy savings.

"Northmont Schools is always actively looking for partnerships, grants and rebates to lessen the burden of school costs to homeowners and to improve the quality of education to our students," said Northmont Superintendent Dr. Sarah Zatik. "We are excited to receive the $111,725 rebate check, but even more excited that our efficiency efforts are projected to cut electric bills by almost $86,000 annually."

"Through smart planning and utilizing today's most energy efficient heating, cooling and lighting systems, Northmont students and the entire community will benefit from lowered energy costs, better indoor air quality and more natural lighting," said DP&L President and CEO Tom Raga. "DP&L is proud to partner with Northmont City Schools in our common goal of protecting the environment for future generations through the use of creative technology that produces effective energy solutions."

DP&L's ongoing energy efficiency efforts for customers include rebates on new heat pumps and air conditioners, discounts on energy efficient lighting and rebates for business customers. See more energy efficiency measures at www.dpandl.com/save.