AES Ohio is proposing the construction of the Fayette substation and 138kV extension project located in Jefferson Township, within Fayette County.
The proposed project involves the construction of the new approximately 19.7-acre 345kV Fayette Substation and a 138kV extension that will involve building two single-circuit parallel lines of approximately 0.47 miles each, spanning from the proposed Fayette substation to a 138kV delivery point. The new Fayette substation will step service down from 345kV to 138kV and 69kV and have a breaker and half 345kV design, two 345/138kV 450MVA transformers, a breaker and half 138kV design, a 138/69kV 200MVA transformer, 138kV capacitor and 69kV feed to a new substation named Panther substation.
Frequently asked questions
The new Fayette substation and 138 kV extension will be constructed on a parcel provided by the interconnection customer that is located southwest of Jeffersonville in Jefferson Township, within Fayette County.

Estimated project schedule
June 2023 |
September 2023 |
August 2024 |
Indicates the current project stage |
During construction, customers should not notice interruption of their electric service. If an outage is required for a short period, the affected customer(s) will be notified before the outage to limit the inconvenience.
Visit the OPSB website to view the application and for more information. The Case Number for the AES Ohio Fayette substation & 138kV extension project is 23-0067-EL-BLN.
To contact AES Ohio about the project or request an electronic copy of the application, please leave a message at 937-331-4314 or email You will receive a response within 1-2 business days.