In Ohio, customers can buy electricity from any certified supplier. Understand your options to make the best choice for you.
You have the power to choose.
When you turn on your lights or run your dishwasher, you’re using electricity delivered by your local electric utility company. In the Miami Valley, that’s AES Ohio. In 2001, generation, or the supply of electricity, was deregulated in Ohio giving you the option to choose which company supplies the generation of your electricity.

Electric generation supplier: This is the company that supplies the generation of your electricity. There are many generation suppliers.
Local electric utility: This is the company that delivers the electricity to your home or business. Most people associate the electric poles, wires and utility trucks with their electric utility. In the Miami Valley, AES Ohio is the local electric utility.
How it works
Electric choice gives you the ability to choose who supplies the generation of your electricity. Just like shopping different stores for your light bulbs or your kitchen appliances, you can shop for your electric generation supplier.
You can choose a supplier based on what is important to you. You may find the cost of your electricity is lower if you buy it from certain suppliers. Or, you may find some suppliers offer add-on services that you want to buy. The Public Utilities Commission of Ohio (PUCO) offers the Energy Choice Ohio “Apples to Apples” website to help you compare the different offers available to you.
Energy choice is voluntary; you do not have to choose another supplier. If you do not wish to select a different supplier, you will continue to be supplied with AES Ohio’s standard offer rate in the same efficient, safe and reliable manner you've come to expect.
Who qualifies
- AES Ohio residential and business customers are eligible to choose their supplier.
- Customers receiving energy assistance through the Percentage of Income Payment Plan (PIPP) are not eligible to choose an alternate generation supplier. Please call the Ohio Development Services Agency at 800-282-0880 if you have questions concerning the programs.
Additional info
- No matter which company you choose to supply the generation of your electricity, AES Ohio will continue to deliver the service to your home or business because the delivery of electricity remains regulated.
- AES Ohio will continue to maintain and repair the poles and wires in your area, and if your power should go out, you will continue to call AES Ohio.
- AES Ohio will continue to read your meter monthly.
- Your supplier cannot be switched without your permission. Unauthorized switching is called “slamming” and is illegal. If your service has been switched without your authorization, call the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio (PUCO) at 800-686-7826.